
Thelymitra rubra

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Thelymitra rubra, the Salmon Sun Orchid is a wintergreen species from open woodland in South Eastern areas of Australian. Like all Thelymitras, each tuber grows just one leaf. It has up to 5 pink flowers per spike, reaching 2.5cm across which are produced in spring.

Thelymitras can be grown alongside other Mediterranean and South African species in a sunny position in well-drained compost. They survive periods of sub-zero temperatures (minus 5-8C) in the wild but this is best kept to a minimum. Growth begins in autumn and the leaves get longer over the winter, after flowering in spring the plants die down to the tuber and avoid the hot, dry summer months. Plants should be kept dry over the summer and when the cool autumn nights begin the new growths will appear, this is the time to start watering again.

Plants are supplied growing in 8cm pots or may be delivered as a dormant tuber over the summer months.

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